Moral Reconation Therapy MRT in Baltimore, MD
When you decide that the time has come to explore your drug addiction treatment options and find a Baltimore drug treatment center that is right for you and your future recovery, you may find yourself overwhelmed by all of the different therapies and treatments available to you. Moral Reconation Therapy (also sometimes called MRT) is one of those many treatment options. While you may have never heard of this cognitive-behavioral therapy option before, Moral Reconation Therapy can be extremely helpful in addiction treatment and recovery.
Moral Reconation Therapy and Addiction
Moral Reconation Therapy was not originally designed for the treatment of addiction specifically. Instead, it was meant to be a way to help incarcerated individuals prevent themselves from ending up right back in the same behavioral patterns and activities that led them to be incarcerated in the first place. Today, Moral Reconation Therapy is widely used as an addiction treatment and has been proven through numerous independent research studies to be an effective means of breaking patterns of drug abuse, attempted recovery, and relapse.
What Moral Reconation Therapy Means
The name Moral Reconation Therapy can be somewhat confusing to a person who does not have a background in mental health and counseling. “Conation” is a term that refers to an individual’s decision making process and the ways in which they consciously reason in life and in that decision-making.
By using the term “reconation,” Moral Reconation Therapy refers to the idea of making purposeful and intentional changes in the ways that a person makes decisions. It also has to do with taking into account other factors when engaged in moral and logical reasoning.
How Moral Reconation Therapy Views Substance Abuse and Addiction
When it comes to substance abuse, the tenets of Moral Reconation Therapy see this as a problematic behavior based upon a person’s desire to experience instant pleasure and gratification while also avoiding any negative emotions or discomfort. This is a form of hedonism and causes a person to develop an addiction to drugs or alcohol because the focus on instant gratification does not take long-term consequences into account.
What Moral Reconation Therapy Aims to Accomplish
Moral Reconation Therapy aims to help a recovering addict develop reasoning skills that allow them to see the big picture and understand the potential consequences of their actions in the long-term. However, before any of this can happen, a person needs to first restore their self-esteem and improve their sense of self and purpose in the world.
To start the Moral Reconation Therapy process, a person needs to learn how to be honest with themselves and others. Honest self-reflection and assessment are tasks that therapy relies upon to help a person identify their own unique set of triggers and behaviors that contribute to substance abuse and addiction. Once honesty is established, a person can start developing positive behavioral patterns and replace the negative ones as they go through the treatment process. They also develop goals and try to find a purpose to their life which will in turn influence all of their future decision making and reasoning.
Moral Reconation Therapy can be an invaluable part of any addiction treatment program, and you can get started as soon as possible by calling Baltimore Drug Treatment Centers at (410) 260-0350.