Prescription Drug Addiction and Rehab in Baltimore, MD
In the United States, many people assume that because a doctor gives a person a prescription drug that it is automatically safe, especially in comparison to illegal street drugs. However, this is not always true, particularly when people abuse prescription drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 52 million people over the age of 12 have abused a prescription drug at some point in their lifetime.
With statistics like these, it is no wonder than prescription drug addiction is so prevalent in the United States. The country makes up five percent of the population of the world but consumes 75 percent of its prescription drugs. Prescription drug addiction is one of the biggest substance abuse related problems in the United States, with many states seeing more patients in prescription drug rehab than in rehab for any illegal substance.
The Prescription Drugs People Most Often Abuse
There are so many different types of prescription drugs administered by doctors every day. However, only three types of prescription drugs would qualify as being frequently abused. Central nervous system stimulants are one such type of drug. Stimulants are designed to trigger action in the central nervous system and can improve focus, memory, and energy, among other less noticeable effects. Ritalin and Adderall are two commonly abused prescription stimulants.
Central nervous system sedatives have the opposite effect on the nervous system as stimulants. They suppress activity in the nervous system and create a sense of well-being, calm, and relaxation. Commonly abused prescription sedatives include Xanax, Ambien, and Valium.
The most commonly abused prescription drugs are prescription opiates. These drugs are designed to relieve pain (moderate to severe pain) and can induce a sense of euphoria, extreme relaxation, and calm. Examples of commonly abused prescription opiates are OxyContin and morphine.
Treatment of Prescription Drug Addiction
Treating a prescription drug addiction starts with detoxification. This is the process of getting the prescription drug out of a person’s system and allowing their brain to begin functioning normally without the drug. Medical detox is the safest option for detoxification from prescription drugs. The detox process causes withdrawal symptoms which can be severe at times. The doctors who provide care and support in medical detox can manage withdrawals with medication, other conventional treatments, and even alternative treatments and can ensure that a recovering addict completes detox safely.
After detox, a person will continue with their prescription drug addiction treatment. The next step is to begin to explore the person’s reasons for abusing prescription drugs in the first place. Oftentimes, there are mental and emotional causes to this substance abuse, like stress, frustration, anger, a mental health disorder, or trauma (among numerous other possibilities). Once a person better understands their own mind and motivations, they can begin to develop strategies and tolerance for negative thoughts and emotions as well as finding healthy and productive ways to express negative thoughts and emotions or cope with problematic situations.
Treatment Works
It can be challenging to take that first step towards recovery and ask for help. However, when you are ready to get all of the care and support that you need to rebuild your life, your self-esteem, and your health, Baltimore Drug Treatment Centers will be here to help. Give us a call at (410) 260-0350 as soon as you are ready to give yourself a higher quality of life and a chance at lifelong drug abuse abstinence.